The elephant in the room (not in the African KH's - too small!) is this:
Why isn't the org bombarding JW's with wonderful videos of all the new K.H.'s that are allegedly being built for "poor brothers"?
they say this sell off is for the need to build more kh.
however the branch accounting video that was leaked shows otherwise.. is there a way to find out how many halls are constructed in africa and other places to show the money trail is to pay for child abuse cases and not new halls.?.
The elephant in the room (not in the African KH's - too small!) is this:
Why isn't the org bombarding JW's with wonderful videos of all the new K.H.'s that are allegedly being built for "poor brothers"?
they say this sell off is for the need to build more kh.
however the branch accounting video that was leaked shows otherwise.. is there a way to find out how many halls are constructed in africa and other places to show the money trail is to pay for child abuse cases and not new halls.?.
$25,000????? LOL
My garden shed is more substantial than this KH - and my shed cost less than $1000!!!!!!!!
i have been in crisis regarding the international problem of the way child abuse has been handled in the wt organization.
i have been dealing with serious health issues that made it necessary for me to go on permanent disability since 2015. since then my health has gotten worse making it nearly impossible to attend meetings.
in this period i have received no spiritual or other help of any kind.
Welcome Inactive. You are taking your first steps across the minefield.
You'll get much help from others here who have completed that journey. Take things calmly & slowly.
You have a P.M.
i’m not interested in becoming a jehovah’s witness but have nothing against people who are, or whatever religion someone chooses to follow for that matter.
i am here because i have some questions regarding my family and i. .
my fiancé stopped going to church prior to us meeting.
Your boyfriend knows all the answers to your questions.
Ask him to explain how your relationship/marriage/parenthood will be required to develop.
I'd suggest you record his answers - just in case he denies things when he starts obeying the cult again.
i was pondering the way the society condemns anyone who looks for "spiritual food" outside of their approved channel.
as we know, jws are only to go to the approved website, and research material.. this illustration came to mind.. lets say we have a 5star fancy restaurant, and a new clean food truck.
both kitchens prepare a meal.. if the food is simply assessed on its own merit, and the source of its production is ignored, it can be deemed as healthy, safe, nutritious and tasty.
Diners will gladly recount how they paid a small fortune to eat a meal which was specially prepared by a renowned Michelin chef.
Imagine the diners' humiliation and dejection when they discover that the Michelin chef did nothing to prepare their meal - he delegated the whole process to a much lesser member of the kitchen staff. They'd feel duped.
When the meal was ready for serving, the Chef was simply asked for his approval.
Helpers, eh?
jesus described himself as a 'ransom' (matthew 20:28) and the following statement summarises the the fairy story which j.w.
's are sold as "truth" -.
w96 11/1 p. 9 par.
Jesus described himself as a 'ransom' (Matthew 20:28) and the following statement summarises the the fairy story which J.W.'s are sold as "truth" -
w96 11/1 p. 9 par. 12 - “As the benefits of Jesus’ ransom sacrifice are progressively applied, the obedient subjects of God’s Kingdom will grow to perfection, becoming totally free from all the bad effects of Adam’s sin.”
“faithful slave” also states this - w85 1/15 p. 16 par.
5 - "The price had to be the equivalent of
what was lost."
Picture this:
The 55 year old wife of a JW is kidnapped. He later receives a call telling him that unless he pays a ransom of $1,000,000, he will never see her again. He pays the ransom – and waits.
Next day there's a knock on door. The kidnappers have sent the man back – not his 55 year old wife – but a beautiful 25 year old girl with an exquisite figure.
Did the man's ransom buy back what was lost?
Accepting the J.W. version of Jesus' ransom poses two serious problems:
1) What Jesus “bought back” was not equivalent to what was lost, because he gained more than what was lost – 144,000 humans will become immortal king/priests in heaven.
None of Adam's descendants were ever going to achieve such a powerful, heavenly status.
2) Adam was immediately physically perfect in Eden. If J.W.'s are going to have to “grow to perfection” in order to “become totally free from all the bad effects of Adam’s sin,” then Christ's sacrifice wasn't payment enough to immediately buy back what was lost – it's going to take 1000 years to do so - according to the org.
new developments with the american boy scouts must have the wts leadership worried:.
The scum who manage guilty organization's finances - WTBTS included - will very quickly "move" their cash to a safe haven somewhere and use "legal means" to limit payouts.
The vast majority of victims will not see appropriate justice carried out.
remember last year the financial video was leaked and subsequently taken down.
is there a copy anywhere available.
my dad says he wants to see it with his own eyes since it says many things about why they really got rid of so many kingdom halls and simplification of literature (such as magazine reduction).. i miss the leaks like that because you can't argue with your own peoples material.
Start with No 1.
At the 5 minute mark - two propagandists praise Jehovah for his "backing" of the worldwide work and for speeding it up!
When one of them used the phrase "rapid expansion," I could just imagine hundreds of face-palms by the Bethelites in the Branches around the world who were tied into the live stream.
The charlatan anti-Christs at WTBTS & JW HQ's are so delusional that they believe Branches are still so gullible.
It's the information age G.B., and Bethelites are silently acquiring much information - about you scum.
this past weeks watchtower study, reminds us that jehovah provides guidance in the publications and in programs from faithful slave!
now you hear from the platform that god has given us jw broadcasting and
lets see: thought wt says they have no special connection to god, nor special knowledge, they get no extra holy spirit, gods thoughts higher than mans???
Jehovah provides that guidance in the.....publications and through.....“the faithful and discreet slave.”
Tragic that so many of us never saw through the org's cult-language sooner!
the beach boys video is not bad either..
The Beach Boys video is not bad either.